No One is Alone

The quote found in The Five People You Meet in Heaven, “That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another no more than you can separate the breeze from the wind,” has a different meaning for every person. To me, it means something powerful and meaningful. The first part of the quote,” That there are no random acts,” means to me that everything happens for a reason and how it’s supposed to. Everything in life happens for a specific purpose. The second part of the quote,” That we are all connected,” means to me that every human being is connected in some way. I believe that every person is related in some way from their ancestors. The last part of the quote, “That you can no more separate one life from another no more than you can separate the breeze from the wind,” has a similar meaning to the previous part of the quote. However, the quote as a whole has a separate meaning to me. The whole quote means to me that no one human being is ever alone. All humans are connected or related in some way, so that truly proves one human being is never alone. This is what this quote from The Five People You Meet in Heaven means to me.

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